Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Well we have had a roller coaster ride of Temperatures  and the poor plants must be wondering what on earth is going on.  It is wonderful to see so many spring blooms bringing their joy and beautiful bright colors to cheer us.  Daffodils are still doing well despite the nasty cold snap except the Grand Soleil D'Or that had been blooming for a while -they haven't resurrected, but the ones still in bud or only just opening are fine.  More varieties of daffodil are opening daily it seems and the Muscari aremeniacum, (grape hyacinths) are popping up everwhere with their delightful blue contrast to all the whites and yellows.  They are still in small groups, but nevertheless a delightful sight in the morning.


  1. Am enjoying my Muscari, these are the first ones I had planted. Spring is coming!!! I have three daff blooms, all of them I think are Foresight.

  2. Yes the muscari are opening fast and the daffodils are too. I evenhave some little tulips on the rock garden open. In February??
