Well it has been a while but I was busy in plays again -I had the lead in Noel Coward's Hay Fever in April followed by Agatha Christie's The Hollow and now I am rehearsing for Noel Coward's Blithe Spirit!! -Well I do have to grab the chance for a major role in a Brit play when it comes along!!!
Anyway the weeds are getting away with me -must find some time to tame them a little but the Elephant Ears came back really well after the harsh winter - cold for SC anyway -and the caladiums are really looking good, so here are a couple of pictures

I also have this one -colocasia easculenta Mojito in the wine garden surrounded by caladium Brandywine!

And while we are on the subject of the 'alcoholic' garden this one is Canna Moonshine
and now here is the new caladium Frog in a Blender -sorry about the name -I tried to suggest Creamed Spinach but it was rejected -oh well -it is a great new caladium
Just got back from the SNA trade show in Atlanta -still quite a smallish show -about 110 booths I think, but plenty of interest shown so it seems to have been well worthwhile.