Friday, April 6, 2012


April showers bring forth May flowers -and endless weeds!!!  What a year so far -unbelieeable weather so many hot days already -the daffodils were great but it has definitely not been a good year for tulips.  Many were stunted in the warm weather -they need more cold than most places could provide this spring.  They didn't last so well either -but that is gardening.  You cannot control the weather! But there are real pluses too -
My gorgeous rambling rose Cecile Brunner is already in full bloom (oops never got it pruned this year either!!)and the blueberries are swellin . I have been picking asparagus for days now -mmmm -delicious! And of course lettuce leaves, sorrel, spinach and swiss chard.
Must find some time to get on top of those pesky weeds though -I hate using chemicals, but the paths are impossible unless I keep them controlled I try to weed by hand in the flower beds and definitely in veggie patch but goodness they have shot up so fast and so flourishingly this year -i despair of gaining the upper hand!! Help!!!! Anyone want to come and help me weed???

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