Monday, April 18, 2011

tulip update

Here is one more picture of the no dig planting method -my PEPNOD -this was taken today before the tulips go over after the heat   What a beautiful day, cool morning, lovely sunshine and no humidity -planted herbs and tomatoes after work today.  This picture also shows how well the deer repellant works -no deer problems at all.  This stuff really stinks of garlic the day you spray, but after 24 hours it has disappeared Being systemic though it remains in the plant and is obviously distasteful to critters.
 Still picking asparagus -mmmm fresh picked asparagus this evening -ambrosia -and this is the 3rd year they have been in place so now I can pick all I want -that is luxury!


  1. Beautiful Patricia! I will try your method for planting next fall. Seems to be the perfect method for here!

  2. Thanks Janet -I Look forward ot seeing you at the Marlboro Bulb Sale to the public on the Saturday of Mother's Day 9am -1pm as usual
